Tuesday, March 27, 2012

vodka confessions: adele

Somewhere between Valentine's Day and my 30th birthday this year I had the most fabulous vodka water cocktail, and then another and another and thus "vodka confessions" was born.
The night is a little fuzzy so I'll start at the beginning...

It was a love that happened very fast and was rather intense. Just like Alice I fell into the rabbit hole and continues to fall - hitting "I love you" and spiraling when the love stopped. He was older, divorced. I was young and carefree. I have no regrets about our time together - love that happens that intense and fast is destined to fail and I'm sure if I'd paid attention to my horoscope it would have told me the exact same thing. Eventually I hit the ground, single, and dusted myself off - ready for the next bout of love to hit.

And then Adele happened.

In the years since our breakup we have stayed in touch - checking in here and there. It isn't a friendship but it is what I assume is a sense of what real love is once it's "over". He has since moved into a creepy cabin in the hills with a new love and I have stayed in the city with my dog. Somewhere between Valentine's day and my 30th birthday I was no longer ok with this scenario...

And then vodka happened.

I should mention that it was a typical night. I'd enjoyed a run. Had salmon for dinner. Watched a silly romantic comedy and then I woke up the next morning and texted one of my best friends: "I think I Facebook messaged my ex a YouTube video of Adele" I had in fact Facebook messaged said video. It is probably wise to mention we aren't Facebook friends. Not only did I have to search for this fabulous video about moving on from a broken heart, I had to Facebook stalk said ex. The best part was my message with the video: "Don't read into this, but I kind of look like her"

Oh vodka and Adele - you are horrible friends. If I didn't love you both so much we would be divorced by now.

My only option was to laugh at myself, naturally. My friends laughed with me and the ex had to have laughed too - he wrote back to my message but I'm too chicken to read it. When asked how much vodka I'd had that night I had to, pitifully, admit that I had no idea...it was somewhere between dancing to Diana Ross and singing to Adele.

That day vodka taught me that if you can't laugh at yourself you have no business laughing at all - life lessons like these make me glad I didn't break up with vodka (or Adele).

Sunday, March 25, 2012

of giraffes and cocktails

Last week we were invited to an after hours event at the zoo where cocktails met wild animals and we got to attempt to feed four very sweet looking giraffes.

Naturally I wore a safari inspired outfit, in hopes that it would attract attention from a very tall giraffe. The type of attention we received wasn't what I has in mind - the giraffes ignored us, stuck their tongues out and overall had nothing to do with us.

Thankfully there was free flowing wine...

As we wandered and giggled at the animals we met a rhino, were teased by a lions roar, and encountered two humping tortoises. Laughter filled the zoo and we chatted about Marc Jacobs, mouse slippers, the rules of dating, Facebook unfriending and my friends' desire for me to date someone just for the festival perks. Wine kept finding our glass, the giraffes kept teasing us and the night ended with us giggling and texting photos of the randy tortoises to people - including a tv host with a silly caption.

The funnest part of the evening was realizing my friends and I enjoy eachother just as we are - flawed, with silly stories and endless laughter. The giraffes, and men in my life have some serious competition - but more on that later.

Monday, March 19, 2012

star gazing

By far my favorite star is the sun - it makes me happy, colors my hair a perfect blonde, tans my skin and makes the day a better place.  This past Friday I forgot about the office and just went out to enjoy the day - that giant sequin in the sky seems to make every little worry melt.

Tonight I went out with the dog, my sunglasses and my iPod - this iPod is by far the coolest gift I have ever received, it is loaded with found playlists to narrate my life, and let me tell you every song is spot-on.  We ran hard for a mile or-so, stopped for water, ran for another mile, each step motivated by a fun song from the 80's.  When we made it up the huge hill where I normally stop for a celebratory dance party I looked at the dog and plopped down in the sweet (itchy grass) to watch the sun set. 

A I lay on the ground in "snow angel" pose, probably looking like I was dying to everyone walking by, I couldn't help but giggle.  A year ago we rescued my dog - since then I have been dumped, I have broken up with people, I have fought with my family, I have struggled to make it as the adult I want to be, and even just last week I was un-friended on Facebook because I liked a guy's post about brunch (more on that later).  Now, I am laying in the grass, without a care in the world.

As I type this I realize that perhaps I was star gazing at the sun for too long - but glad that a giant sequin can make me giggle just like it did when I was little.

Monday, March 12, 2012

"irrepressibly sunny"

Last week I was referred to as "irrepressibly sunny."  I promptly added it to my resume. 

I then decided to take my friends' advice and start a blog about my crazy, silly life - a place where red wine, twirling and giggles all serve as a solution to all problems in the world.  Here you will find stories of past, present and future as I tackle life, find love (whatever that is) and laugh.  It is free game and I hope you enjoy the ride!!!

Who is this Sparkle Girl?
  • I believe that most of life can be solved by laughing.
  • I believe that Barry White taught me what love is, but my dog has taught me unconditional love.
  • I enjoy a great glass of red wine when paired with a great friend (even though I am allergic to the red wine).
  • I ask too many questions, which often gets me in trouble.
  • I know, for a fact, that a good sparkle on an outfit can make all troubles melt away.
  • I love to twirl.  I also love to lay in the street and stare at the full moon.
  • I believe in love and love being in love.
  • I use my right brain more than I should.
  • I firmly believe that there is nothing a Beach Boys song can't make better.
  • I believe the only way to get through life is to hit the bumps hard and get up laughing.
So, come join me for some wild fun, filled with laughing (mostly at myself).  Make sure you pack your sequins and sense of humor!